Concrete Certification

Looking for a great learning avenue within the scope of CTE, STEAM and STEM?

Skate4Concrete's Concrete Certification is the perfect option for you! The curriculum about the concrete industry falls within the Construction, Engineering, and Manufacturing CTE pathways, and gaining our certification will open students' eyes to the importance and stability of a concrete career.

The final project for this certification includes the construction of a mini concrete skatepark, which provides teachers with a fun and engaging way to educate about the science of concrete through the application of building concrete skateparks.

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Concrete Certification in the News!

Find out how two teachers from the La Mesa Arts Academy used the Concrete Certification.  Note, the Certification is developed for High School level students, during beta testing the program was offered to middle school teachers as a way to learn how best to create a new Certification for middle school.

How did teachers implement the Certification?

“The modules were assigned one at a time, students worked with partners to read through and answer the questions.” – Ms. Orvell, LMAAC

What standards or curriculum does the Concrete Certification apply to?

California State Science Framework which is based off the Next Generation Science Standards.  The Engineering requirements refer to concrete, therefore this project was a perfect fit.  The Certification is also a great example of Project Based Learning where we cover math, earth science, engineering, teamwork, problem solving and more.
